
Woorank: Instant on-page SEO audit and report with actionable recomendations for your website

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WooRank is a lightweight clean and clear tool that instantly gives you a big picture of your website’s on-page SEO and actionable insights on how you can fix the issues. Get all the key data about your website’s SEO health and optimize!

The report consists of 3 sections totalling 10 subtopics, with several criterias in each:


  1. SEO (21) – see if your website follows on-page and off-page SEO best practices (appropriate title and description, keyword consistency, backlink count, www/non-www canonicalization, XML Sitemap usage, etc.
  2. Mobile (9) – check if your site is mobile-friendly and follows the best mobile optimization practices
  3. Usability (10) – know if your site’s UX is good enough and is in accordance with best usability practices (the existence of a custom 404 page, above the fold content, structured markup, etc.).
  4. Technologies (9) – ther aspects of your website’s technical SEO (W3C standards compliance, speed optimization, etc.).
  5. Crawl Errors (start free trial to see) – see your website’s URLs that Google could not crawl or that returned an HTTP error


  1. Backlinks (3) – provides info on backlinks counter and quality and numner of referring domains
  2. Social (4) – checks your website’s social property and evaluates popularity across Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
  3. Local (start free trial to see) – see your listings in local directories (like Yelp, Foursquare, etc.) and online reviews from them


  1. SERP Checker (start free trial to see) – monitor your domain’s Google ranking for custom keywords
  2. Visitors (3) – This measures the site’s popularity based on various traffic estimates.

Woorank’s premium version offers unlimited in-depth reviews, downloadable branded .PDF reviews, competitive keywords analysis, marketing checklist with prioritized tasks, integration with Google 
Analytics, Search Console and Facebook insights, uptime monitoring, and more.