Site Analyzer

Site Analyzer: A High Quality SEO Audit and Page Analysis Tool

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Site Analyzer is a great paid site audit tool. The tool hooks newcomers up with a lot of helpful information, especially when it comes to optimizing content for better on-page SEO. It helps to discover technical SEO errors, fix them and be in control.

Site Analyzer gives a free “Page Analysis” and a test “Crawl” limited to 10 pages (after a free registration). Each of them gives you an overall site score and rates it by different categories.

Page Analysis sections:

  1. Summary (general overview, priorities to solve)
  2. SEO (header, indexation, duplicate content, multimedia, networking)
  3. Content (overview, performance, semantic, keywords)
  4. Design (standartization, layout quality, server configuration, security)
  5. Performance (download and loading optimization)
  6. Accessability (usability, internationalization, sharing, mobile compatibility)

Crawls sections:

  1. Overview (crawl result)
  2. Indexation (crawl diagnosis and details)
  3. Textual Content (pages content quality and keywords)
  4. Duplicate (pages content titles and meta descriptions)
  5. Page Analysis (scores and issues)
  6. External Links (overview and details)
  7. Architecture (directory mapping and details)

To proceed using Site Analyzer and gain access to the PDF export White Label report features you’ll need to subscribe to a PRO account. Prices are a bit steep, but the tool is fairly good.