HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

HARO: Сonnects journalists with the news sources (that’s you!). Get immediate exposure, traffic and links for free!

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Free publicity is here, you don’t need to hire a PR agency any more! Sharing your expertise may lend you big media opportunities – just sign up and start gettting emails with relevant media queries. Want to get backlinks from Mashable, WSJ, NYT, Time? HARO is here to provide a robust database of sources for upcoming stories for reporters and massive opportunities for you as a source to secure valuable media coverage.

Hook a journaist up with a nice quote or stat, and he’ll reward you up with a mention or link. Standard accout is enough for the most cases. HARO will send you queries from 35.000 journalists and bloggers, who are looking for sources to share their expertise, top tips and case studies. Tip: quickly scan daily HARO emails and respond to the most promising leads asap.

Use cases: