Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner: Official keyword research tool coming directly from Google

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Search engine

How can I rank in Google? Google is the best here to answer. Google Keyword Planner is the only keyword tool that gives data straight from Google databse and provides info not available anywhere else. It gives you necessary metrics – average monthly searches, competition, suggested bid, ad impression share, along with targeting, data range and keyword filters and gives an idea of the keyword’s level of competitiveness.

GKP tells you how likely someone searching for that keyword will buy something from you. Just look at the “competition” and “estimated bid” columns. If the “competition” and “estimated bid” are high, you probably have a keyword that converts well. It makes sense to put more weight on these two than just search volume.

There are a lot of free keyword tools to compete with Google Keyword Planner in terms of number and quality of keyword suggestions, but none of them come close when it comes to competitive keyword research.

Make sure you are signed into your Google AdWords account to start using GKP.