
SimilarWeb: Discover your competitors’ website traffic statistics

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SimilarWeb is a powerful platform that lets you see a big picture of any domain’s parameters, like traffic figures and sources, organic keywords, rankings, engagement metrics and more.

Specifically, this tool will get you keywords that are actually sending traffic to your competitor’s site (both organic and paid). You will see exactly how much traffic each keyword sends in any given time.

Use the “Search” section of the dark side menu to the left to see how much traffic each website is getting based on any specific keyword. You can use this data to follow the steps of successful competitors or carve out a new data-based strategy.

There are a lot of other tools performing keyword research, but unlike SimilarWeb, they usually don’t provide the info on the quantity of traffic. In SimilarWeb you see this information under “Referrals” and “Traffic Destinaton” sections of the dark blue menu panel on the left in the PRO version.

SimilarWeb’s data is very accurate and trustworthy. Unlike other services that tend to show traffic rank, SimilarWeb shows real traffic numbers – how many visitors you have, where they come from, what they dod on the website and were they go after.

According to Rand Fishkins’ research, SimilarWeb provide a slightly more accurate data then Ahrefs, but obviously these services are best when used together.

SimilarWeb has many other cool features, like traffic distribution by sources and channels – and many onther SEO functionality beyond keyword research tasks. There are also many good online manuals on how to use SimilarWeb to the best effect, which makes it increadibly easy to catch up on it.