Keyword Revealer

Keyword Revealer: A classic keyword research tool with fiter by metrics and a cool “Keyword Tree” feature

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Keyword Revealer is a standard keyword difficulty tool. You can filter keywords by search volume, number of words, CPC and potential. The maximum keyword difficulty is 100: for instance, 79 is a highly competitive word, while 32 has low competition. You’ll also see top 100 pages ranked in google for the keyword.

On the top of that, Keyword Revealer’s “Keyword Tree” shows you keyword ideas as a tree. Click on a tree branch to see the new set of branches. Very helpful.

Create a free account to use Keyword Revealer’s free 3 keyword searches and 7 evaluations per day. To use it above this limit you will need to pay – Keyword Revealer is a freemium tool.