Google Keyword Suggest

Google Keyword Suggest from SEOChat: Populate your keyword list with suggestions from Google, Bing, YouTube, Amazon – CPC and search volume provided

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Google Keyword Suggest is one of multiple free tools of Seochat – a community for SEO people. GKS offers an easy 3-step process to get suggestions, expand on them, short-list and see CPC/volume. Steps are called “Parts” and you navigate them by selecting terms and clicking buttons to proceed to the step you need.

Google Keyword Suggest’s 3 steps (“Parts”):

  1. Get suggestions based on your seed term
  2. Expand on selected keywords to get even more suggestions (optional)
  3. See CPC and search volume for selected short-list

You can checkbox platforms you want to see results from, navigate the results by clicking letters you need, or select any keywords and run “Part two” or get CPC and search volume for them in “Part 3”.

GKT adds each alphabet letter to your seed term to generate a massive list of suggestions – pretty similar to what Ubersuggest does. The tool is not too fast, but is clean, simple, provides really helpful results and is good for brainstorming.

The opportunity to see suggestions from 4 different engines helps to see a wider picture than it is possible when you use only 1 source. Just scrolling through the results can give you lots of content ideas.